GCE O/L Exam Results 2022 (2023) Results Latest Update

GCE OL Exam Results 2022 2023 Latest-Update

Update 2023.12.01: GCE O/L Exam Results 2022 (2023) Result Released

Update 2023.11.28: Minister of Education Susil Premajayantha says that the results of GCE O/L Exam Results 2022 (2023) | Results Latest Update Examination will be released within the next two or three days.

The Education Minister revealed this while speaking to the media following an event held in Colombo.

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  • Type exam {exam code} {index number} and send to 1919 to obtain results through SMS.
  • Mobitel: EXAMS <index number> and send to 8884 from your Mobile
  • Dialog: EXAMS <index number> and send to 7777 from your Mobile
  • Hutch: EXAMS <index number> and send to 8888 from your Mobile
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Check Results Online (Link 2) Click_Here
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Re-Correction ApplicationPending